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The Arlberg, landmark of the Lech Zürs am Arlberg ski area, is considered the cradle of alpine skiing. Heli skiing and heli boarding on the Arlberg in Austria is a mindblowing experience. You’ll be the absolute first to reach the fresh mountain snow.  Experience the adventure guided by EMG and Wucher Helicopter.

Helicopter skiing Lech Zürs am Arlberg

Destination summits are the Mehlsack (2652 meters) or the Schneetäli (2450 meters), depending on snow conditions and the sking ability of the group. The guides decide whether to fly to the Mehlsack or the Schneetäli. After drop off by the helicopter, you will ski or board a 1200 meter downhill run. It takes approximately one hour to reach into the Zuger valley.


Heli ski packages

Heli-skiing packages including ski guide and flight reservations are available for groups up to three people plus the ski guide. Flights are operated from Monday to Friday (not on weekend and national holidays) and depending the weather conditions.

© 2023 

Skischule Tannberg Lech -

Exclusive Mountain Guiding Arlberg GmbH

Omesberg 587 EG

6764 Lech


Opening hours winter

9;00 am  - 5:00 pm

For Enquiries or information

8:00 - 20:00 Uhr

+43 676 335 1217

UID-Nr. : ATU74082002

Amstgericht: Feldkirch

Firmenbuch-Nummer: 505167v


Sparkasse Imst, Tirol

IBAN:   AT02 2050 2000 0087 6508


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